Wild Thoughts Podcast #1: Remoteness

Welcome to the inaugural installment of AWA’s “Wild Thoughts Podcast”! AWA founding members Pete Nelson, Bill Ingersoll, Kayla White, and Craig McGowan discuss one of the most important attributes of wilderness: Remoteness… that sometimes elusive element that hikers and paddlers often crave but which seems constantly imperiled by the creeping sprawl of modern civilization. Does remoteness still exist? Can it be saved? And just as importantly: can we measure it!

We discuss our experiences in some of our favorite places, including a recent visit to the Siamese Ponds Wilderness and touching on such topics as snowmobiling and Boreas Ponds. Our 2016 “Remote Areas Map” is also mentioned once or twice!

This video podcast is a new undertaking for us, and with your support we hope to grow our Wild Thoughts series into an entertaining and informative resource for all things Adirondack wilderness. Please share your thoughts and feedback, and remember that we are a small grassroots organization with a small budget and big ambitions. If you like what you’ve seen, please consider making a financial contribution using our Donate button. Every bit helps us advance our mission!

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Lake George: A Mill Pond
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Protecting Remoteness: AWA at the Adirondack Sports Summer Expo

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