Currently, there are 20 areas scattered throughout the Adirondack Park protected as wilderness.
While these aren’t the only public lands we work to protect, they are certainly worthy of celebration. Ranging in size from 7900 acres to a massive 272,000 acres, these protected acres include nearly every sensitive habitat found in the Adirondacks.

Use this page to learn about each area: what makes the wilderness unique, its history, and the threats and management issues we are monitoring. This is a resource that we plan to build upon over time, so be sure to check this page often!
List of Adirondack Wilderness Areas
Select Listing of Wild Forests
- State Lands 1,186,821 Acres
- Private Inholdings (36) 22,096 Acres
- Bodies of Water (1,363) 18,782 Acres
- Foot Trails 780 Miles
- Horse Trails 71 Miles
- Lean-tos 141
- Impoundments 5
SOURCE: Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan, August 2019